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两败俱伤 liǎng bài jù shāng 两败俱伤词语解释


[internecine;both parties be weakened by mutual homicide;both being defeated and wounded; both sides suffer; cut one anot…

人财两空 rén cái liǎng kōng 词语解释:

HTtpS://Www.YoNgShIjiAOyu.Cn/ciyUjiEShI 词语意思财两空réncái-liǎngkōng

(1) 连人带财物都丧失了

例:可怜张李二家没趣,真是“人财两空”。——《红楼梦》英:loss bot…

鸡飞蛋打 jī fēi dàn dǎ 鸡飞蛋打词语解释


[all is lost as the hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken;come out emptyhanded] 比喻什么也没得到,落个两头都落空。赔了夫人又折兵。多指做事…